In principle, Kindbridge Research Institute is here to build better care delivery infrastructure across the US for recovering gamblers through research. Below are a list of frequently asked questions about our research program. Contact us directly to speak to a representative today.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is KRI?

    KRI is a 501(c)(3) registry charity with the aim to improve the lives of those impacted by gambling related harms. We primarily focus on care access for the following populations:

    • Veterans

    • Native Americans

    • African Americans

    • Asian Americans

    • Professional and amateur athletes

    As a charity, we work with families, communities and state regulators throughout the US to tackle the challenges posed to the healthcare by gambling, gaming and other behavioural addictions. Our work is to deliver sustainable solutions that create lasting change for those impacted as well as addressing their immediate mental health needs.

  • Why donate to KRI?

    Your gift, pooled with other support, will help us deliver world class research and sustainable solutions for public health policy as it relates to gambling, gaming and other behavioural addictions. Read more about our programs here.

  • How much of my donation will go towards programs?

    In fiscal year 2022, 85% of all expenditures went to program services.

  • What is KRI TAX ID/EIN number?

    We are a registered 501(c)3 in the State of Delaware. EIN: 85-3860147

  • Where do I mail my donation to KRI?

    Checks/money orders should be mailed to: Kindbridge Research Institute, 900 Cummings Center, Suite 416-V, Beverly, MA, 01915.

  • Why make a monthly donation?

    Your gift, pooled with other support will help to deliver critical research as well as direct help to those impacted by gambling harms and other behavioural addicions.

    Please give what you can and donate online now. Thank you for your donation.

    Your donation will go to support KRI’s work in the US.