Our Team

We have assembled a first-class team that are ready to advance how telehealth impacts outcomes for gamblers and gamers.

KRI’s Scientific Advisory Board is composed of leading scientists in addiction and related fields. The board’s responsibility is to ensure the highest standards in research are met. The volunteer Scientific Advisory Board provides valued guidance and knowledge on all aspects of the research.

Our Team

Leadership Team

Kindbridge Research Institute provides advisory services to policymakers at all levels of government by providing the most up-to-date findings in our field of study. We perform prevalence studies as a way to measure health in a population. We also can provide consulting to inform regulations and legal frameworks around state gaming and gambling policies.

  • Mark Lucia

    Program Manager (Military and Data)

  • Dr. Nathan Smith

    Executive Director

  • Dishi Umfleet

    Operations Director

Scientific Advisory Board

  • Dr. Tim Fong

  • Dr. Jeremiah Weinstock

  • Dr. Lia Nower