Research Program

While gaming and gambling addictions are not limited to any one community, Kindbridge Research Institute believes that military veterans are a group that requires immediate attention. The veteran community has a high rate of behavioral addictions for many reasons.
Especially after a self-harm event, veterans commonly report:
Lack of support or understanding for service-connected disabilities;
Negative stigmas related to military service;
Feelings of isolation;
Feelings of separation;
Lack of social support;
Difficulty with stable or reliable income;
Difficulty with stable housing.
This population is often in need of mental health services for a number of co-occurring addictions and morbidities. Secondly, they need access to recovery resources that fit within a fixed budget.
Program Goal

Through critical partnerships, our primary goal is to increase the rate of research on treatment for veterans with gaming and gambling disorder by 50 times in the next 4 years. We call our research program 50x 4Vets, and we are pleased to say that we have several funded research projects across the United States.